Sunday, December 12, 2010

Holiday Shopping

In my effort to bring up the topic of Jesus Christ with those that I interact with on my shopping excursions, I tend to feel that my conversation gets a little forced.  After all, the entire transaction does not take more than 5 minutes.  An extremely service-oriented, Leonard, helped me in the express checkout this evening.  We started talking about the extended holiday hours, which led to what his holiday traditions are, which led to me asking him if he will be going to church this year.  He quickly answered that he was agnostic.  He also told me that as a child he attended Christian church with his aunt.  And just before I could ask the next question, another customer came behind me and it was time for me to take my bag and head out to my car.

Oh, but I would have loved to ask him about his experience as a child and what may have led to his discontinuance of seeking the Lord.  I would have loved to tell him that Jesus loves him, even though he is not searching and remind him of those everlasting arms that he could always run into.  Lord, I pray that Leonard would think deep into his past and remember those times of church.  I pray that those seeds planted by his aunt may continue to be tended by others.   

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