Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Day 8:: What Happens in the Afterlife?

There is one story in the New Testament that has always haunted me.  It is the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31.   The part of the passage that makes me uneasy is the part that talks about the great gulf that separates Hades from Abraham's bosom.  I suppose it's the fact that the rich man was able to "lift his eyes up and see Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom".  When I get to heaven, will I be seen by those in Hell, people who were in my community? 

As I ponder this question, I am reminded of all the people that I see on a daily basis but do not necessarily have a relationship with.  The mailman, the gardener, neighbors, school staff, name a few.  Is there a possibility that we could have a meeting in eternity where they could possibly ask us, "I saw you everyday (every week), I came to your house (I saw you in the office), why did you not warn me about what would happen in the afterlife?"

The mere thought of that question is chilling, yet some have had this question asked of them this side of eternity.  Needless to say, you may be surprised at who is just waiting for you to bring up the topic.

How then shall they call of Him in whom they have not believed?  And how shall they believe if Him of whom they have not heard?  And how shall they hear without a preacher?  "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tiding of good things!"
Romans 10:14-15

Read all 31 Days here

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